Koi Fish Tattoo Sleeve
Koi Fish Tattoo Sleeve. Flawless Black and grey Japanese Full Sleeve Tattoo showing Two Koi Fishes and Sakura blossoms by GEORGE BARDADIM, Tattoo Artist NYC. More Japanese Tattoos can be found in Main Gallery.
One of the most popular Japanese Tattoo designs is Koi Fish. Its meaning in Japan is good fortune or luck. Also they are associated with perseverance in adversity and strength of purpose, symbolising abundance and perseverance. Symbolic in Buddhism is to represent courage.
According to Japanese legend, if a koi fish succeeded in climbing the falls at a point called Dragon Gate on the Yellow River, it would be transformed into a dragon. Based on that legend, it became a symbol of worldly aspiration and advancement.
Yin Yang and the Koi Symbol
In feng shui, the koi is tied to the yin yang symbol. In fact, the black and white tear drops of the yin yang symbol are said to be representations of two koi, one male and one female. The eye of each teardrop is symbolic of the constant watchful eye of the koi. This pairing of fish is often seen outside the context of the yin yang symbol as well. For example, a pair of koi is often used as a good luck symbol.
Two KOI Japanese Tattoo.
The two yin and yang koi complete each other and create a perfect balance of the negative and positive energies of chi energy, which is the life-force of all things on earth. ( source )
This Two Koi Japanese Tattoo done by Bardadim Tattoo. Brooklyn Tattoo shop – Tattoo Culture.